The Kinsley James Team is built on love, support and friendship. Everyday we help each other grow in and out of the store. It is with this support and passion that we are able to provide strong and personal customer service to our brides and guests. In many ways, we are a family.

These past couple days were spent in a beautiful lake house, where we cultivated and strengthened our relationship as coworkers, friends and as a team. Check out how the #KJGIRLS bonded!


to Lake Tahoe

morning VIEW

right on the lake


Breakfast, lunch, and cleanup crews


At beautiful Van Sickle Park



Fun in the sun


Morning Yoga on the lakE

with Instructor Janay

Sunset Dinner

at the lake house

We bonded, we connected, and we worked as a team!

#KJGIRLS are passionate, hardworking, and creative individuals and we are all proud to be apart of the KJ family!

Special thank you to Dawn & Amber for putting together such a special trip!

-The KJ Team

The Rock (1996) ... ...